You cant really kill him because you mainly play as him but you can kill him with some of your own units. Although his spirit is transported to the altar when he dies waiting to be revived you dont have to revive him so he will remain in the altar for the rest of the level
you get a big strong team and invade nothrend. kill the guards and rest youll need full sterength to take down arthas Wait wait wait, you cant kill Arthas yet, the patch hasn't come out but will prbably be WOW #4.
Well, there are different types of seeing Arthas across WoW. There is a quest in Icecrown where you are Arthas and u get to kill Illidan, there is another one where u get to be him and kill all his soldiers and then he is in ICC as the final boss. You also see him near the end of the phased Death Knight starter area. Although you do not get to interact with him except for accepting a quest.
NO!!!! you can't Frostmourne stay's with arthas permanently
No, Uther was the first Paladin. He was also a mentor to Arthas. Arthas's father was King Terenas Menethil II.
king terenas who was slain by arthas himself
Arthas a palladin of lorderon the now forsaken infected Undercity, Was a very good defense of his fathers city. However he felt evil voices in his head that drove him mad during his assault on northrend trying to kill a demon that lead a invasion on lorderon a while ago for revenge. When arthas came back his armor was black with death skulls. He ended up turned by the voices and corrupted by darkness the next time he saw his father. A cutscene shows him killing his father in order to make lorderon fall in The Frozen Throne. Illidan was aware of a powerful helmet as well as arthas. Another cutscene shows arthas defeat illidan. Arthas then climbs the ice temple and takes the lich kings throne for himself. Now arthas is now The lich king . The wrath part of the title of the new expansion represents arthas's own army called the scourage. It is your job to give arthas death and put him to rest before destroys the world.
because the original loch king influenced him so both could so both of them could someday take over Azeroth
Yes, Arthas Menethil is the Lich King. You can see a cinematic of the Lich Ling by clicking on the plinth of the fountain in Dalaran.
Jaina and Arthas were in a relationship for a while as well as being life long friends since childhood.
Short Answer: NO Less Short Answer: Every single scourge creature can be considered a child of arthas.
Arthas is a character in the popular online game, World of Warcraft. The game was created by game developer Blizzard and is extremely popular across the globe.