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You already answered your own question. Keep them lean and keep them keen ;)

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Q: How do you keep them lean and keep them keen?
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Related questions

What rhymes with keen?

sheen, lean, mean, bean, green, jean, keen, ween

What words sound like dream?

Keen, lean, Seem

What rhymes with spleen?

queen, tween, keen, lean, clean,

How do you play the game with a man to keep him keen?

You shouldn't have to play a game with a man to keep him keen. If hes not keen already, then move on. Playing games gets you no where in the end.

What rhymes with Halloween and evening?

keen, queen, lean, dean, mean. anything with ean or een at the end

What is a word means cool and rhymes with green?

The word "lean" fits your criteria as it means cool and rhymes with green.

What rhymes with clean?

Mean, machine, bean, dean, green, Gene, Jean, gene, keen, lean, preen, seen, teen, wean.Many words rhyme with 'clean' such as: mean, bean, seen, green, lean, keen and a lot morelean, mean, ween, seen, bean, dean, jean, keen, queen, teen, etc.Mean, machine, bean, dean, green, Gene, Jean, gene, keen, lean, preen, seen, teen, wean.Many words rhyme with clean, and here are a few: mean, seen, scene, ween, teen, bean, green, dean, gene, Jean, sheen, preen, queen, lean, keen. Also, in England, the word "been" is pronounced with an "ee" sound, so it would rhyme; in America, it's pronounced with a short "i" sound, like "bin", so it would not rhyme.

What color words rhymes with bean?

Green is a color word that rhymes with bean.

What rhymes with fean?

There are several words that rhyme with fean. Since rhymes depends on pronunciation, I am assuming here that fean rhymes with lean. Here are other rhymes: bean dean green jean keen lean mean preen queen seen scene sheen teen wean

What can mean ' a keen follower ' and is also something to keep you cool?


What can mean a keen follower and is also something to keep cool?


What rhymes with bean?

Lean, mean, bean, machine, green, seen, clean, spleen, dean, jean.between, canteen, careen, Colleen, convene, fifteen, gasoline, glean, Halloween, intervene, keen, kerosene, lien, magazine, marine, scene, seen, teen, queen, ravine, routineseendeanbeenmeanleanteen----Jean is my name...i am doing a report on beans, and im naming itjeans lean mean green bean scene it?mean clean sheen seen teen gene keen lean keen been