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well don't use too much heat e.g don't use a straightener to often or a hairdryer.

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Q: How do you keep hairs helthy?
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What functions do hairs perform in the body?

Hairs allow you to feel and is you have enough they can keep the sun off you or keep your warm. They can also be used as part of your sexual display.

Do seals have hair to keep them warm?

No seals dont have hairs to keep them them warn

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no that is the 9th questionincorect

How keep your hairs smooth and soft?

pud Valene on it

What is silia?

Hairs in the Trachea that keep out dirt from the lungs.

How many hairs in a beard?

The answer is different for everyone. You can grow your beard out forever and never shave, or you can keep 2 hairs on your chin.

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