overdose of medicine is extremely painful , I did before and I wish I never did , nothing is more painful than the sickness ,pain ,vomiting and guts coming out due to overdose of mids . Be careful , health is wealth . The pain cause by depression is way easier than the physical pain experienced by medication overdose. I have learnt my lesson so late after damaging my stomach and liver .
you throw up, and keep throwing up
Throw up. If you think you are ODing off of tripple cs and you arent throwing up, make yourself throw up. If you dont throw up you WILL die.
If You Keep Throwing Dirt was created in 1976.
Because your body has bad stuff in it and its trying to get out.
A hermaphrodite is an organism that possesses both male and female reproductive organs. In biology, hermaphroditism is a natural occurrence in various species, allowing individuals to self-fertilize or mate with other members of their species. Hermaphroditism can be simultaneous, where an individual has both sets of reproductive organs at the same time, or sequential, where an individual changes sex at some point in its life.
You need to drink alot of liquids. But the best is to ask a Dr.
Keep throwing the toilet paper at him until he catches it. He'll stand up and a censored box will pop up.
A family member may throw up because they are sick with the flu. They may also have food poisoning or are on drugs.
The scientific term for throwing up is "emesis."
The owls throw up pellets without throwing up the meat is because they digest the meat first because it takes a few days for them to have the pellet to throw up. If 7you need anymore info just ask