Probably just the skin getting irritated. Have a chat with a qualified health professional - just to be sure.
You need to use a clean sharp razor with a moisturising gel then finish with a moisturiser rather than after-shave.
Really irritated legs.
You want to shave with the grain/direction of growth. For a closer shave you can go against if you know the areas on yourself well enough because they can become irritated, bumpy, and itchy after this.
Shave it.
If you're a woman, you shouldn't shave it because it'll irritate the skin and make the hairs look more coarse. Either wax it, or look into laser hair removal. Guys shave their mustaches all the time, but it's okay for them to have irritated skin and coarse-looking facial hairs.
only if its hair is getting to long
Yes. If they are long though, you might want to shave or wax just to keep the hairs from getting caught in the piercing.
What will happen if u shave a unibrow
Getting scared typically involves a sudden feeling of fear or panic in response to a perceived threat or danger. Getting irritated, on the other hand, involves feeling annoyed or frustrated due to a specific situation or trigger that may not necessarily be threatening. Essentially, fear is related to potential harm, while irritation is related to inconvenience or displeasure.