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Most experts in "influencing others" say that example is one of the most powerful ways to influence others. More than words, telling, or preaching, the act of doing gives the best role model. For example, a mother might worry her daughter will "be fat just like me" and so the mother might preach and tell her daughter over and over, "Get up off your butt and exercise." But the daughter could likely turn a deaf ear. Children especially teach parents to "do as you tell me I should do." So if an overweight mom started to do daily walks around the neighborhood, and gently invited the daughter to join her, the daughter might more easily be influenced to change her own lifestyle and activity level.

The ability to influence is also why it is important for doctors and nurses to model healthy lifestyles. A patient frowns and disregards the message, "You should stop smoking" when a nurse or doctor smells of cigarettes. An obese doctor will have more trouble counseling overweight patients to lose weight. Information alone does not create lifestyle changes. A change in actions or behaviors along with role models can better influence changes to create a healthy lifestyle.

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Q: How do you influence others to lead healthy lives?
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