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shave it

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Q: How do you i get all the hair under my armpit gone?
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Related questions

Why do french women have armpit hair?

All women have armpit hair because they are human.

Do dogs get armpit hair?

Dogs have hair all over. Including their armpits. There is hair in the area that would be an armpit, but dogs do not have arms, so they don't have armpit hair per se.

Do other guys care about other guys having armpit hair?

No, Men all have armpit hair past puberty, it is normal, I can't imagine there being a problem.

Do men like women having hair under arm pit?

YES. Men do like female armpit hair. Most men like it, but don't admit it. Some men don't like female leg hair. But most straight men do think female vagina and armpit hair is sexy. A growing number of men like hirsute women that do not shave at all. I am one.

What is a gorillas fur like?

yes all gorillas have fur

How much armpit hair should you have at 14?

I'm 14 and i have a lot of armpit hair and it started growing around 6th grade but it all depends on your body so some people may have more or less than you.

I have armpit hair but it is brown not yet black like the matured hair i am 13 years old my friends of 12 all have hairs under their armpit and they laugh at me because i don't have?

Don't worry, you will develop mature charactaristics, just the same as your friends. Some bodies mature at different rates, but by mid-teens they are mostly at about the same level.

Why has your hair not gone gray?

my hair is all pink, no grey

How long THC stays in armpit hair?

THC can be detected in armpit hair for up to 90 days, similar to how it can be detected in head hair. However, the exact timeline can vary depending on factors such as the frequency of use and individual metabolism.

What happens first hair under armpit or penis growth?

This is completely unpredictable. But, don't worry hair will grow in all sorts of places before you turn 20. :) Yes, you're underarm's hair comes around when you're 14 or 15, and you get the puberty on you're penis when you're 11 or 12, don't worry about it it'll come soon.

What is the point of penis armpit butt crotch and facial hair on men?

They are all for women's entertainment and warmth

You are sixteen are you supposed to have all your armpit hair?

No, not really. It's not done growing till you reach the end of puberty.