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Easy, when they know you are lying! SEE? if I come up to you and ask you about something that you did wrong and I have you on video or audio tape ( CD) and you lie about it then you automatically become an untrusted person.

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Q: How do you hurt people when you lie?
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What is a good reason why people lie?

Sometimes people lie to not hurt someone's feelings.

Does he love you if he lies?

Depends on what he lies to you about... cause some people lie so the won't hurt the person they care about

What is a word for lying so as not to hurt someone's feelings?

White lie A white lie is when you do not tell sombody somthing as it may hurt their feelings.

How do you say Why did you lie when it hurt both of us?

Just as you did. "Why did you like when it hurt both of us?"

Why people talk lies?

some people are afraid to tell the truth because it could hurt someone else or make them look bad so the lie.

Who are you friends?

Your friends are people who you can trust, stand by you, help you through difficult situations, dont leave you, dont hurt you,dont lie to you. :) xxx

What are different types of liars?

habitual chronic compulsive pathological and pseudologia fantastica

Is it better to keep the truth from someone to stop them from getting hurt or to lie to them?

It depends on the truth whether or not it is better to keep the truth from someone to stop them from getting hurt. Sometimes a little white lie is better, if the truth will only hurt someone.

Why do lovers lie?

So as not to hurt; it's hard to love someone when you know you are hurting them, and people do resort to lying. It's not easy being a lover. Or in a relationship.

Where did the phrase hurt people hurt people originate form?

I dont know. maybe its just a random phrase. But think about it. hurt people hurt people. hurt people hurt other people. Get it?

How come people wont face the truth?

Not all people lie and have to admit the truth about a lie. The people that do lie and cannot face the truth have been caught in the lie; are embarrassed and immature enough not to be able to admit they lied and why they felt they had too. Then there are some people who have no self confidence that embellish (lie) about their life to make an impression on others and if someone catches them in that lie then that person feels totally crushed. When people tell a lie they are well aware they are doing so and hope not to get caught. Lying only leads to other lies and can hurt other people in the process. So, if a person lies constantly and it is mean spirited and they are found out, the person who lied will try to cover it up with another lie because they are afraid of what others will think of them and they could quite possibly lose friendships in the process.

How does a person help someone who is a pathelogical liar?

Challenge their lies that you know are wrong. Don't enable them to lie. If they tell a lie that affects you or those around them, don't help them control the effects. Tell them how they hurt you. They need to understand what can happen when they lie. People who lie either do it because they are successful at it or they don't care about others. If it's the former, your actions can help them. If it's the latter, it's best to distance yourself from the person. They don't feel emotional consequences for their lying and you will only get hurt.