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If you love him you should join in the humiliation, or dont let it bother you:)

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Vilma Hirthe

Lvl 10
3y ago
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15y ago

Simply you keep him from going out, don't let him talk to his friends, don't let him go out basically make it as if he was in jail but still say I love you and give him hugs and kisses.

You might need to question why you need to punish your boyfriend.

Presumably he's done something to make you feel bad. If it's a small thing, like not noticing you've done your hair a new way, or forgetting it's three months to the day since you met, or being late to meet you, and these could be pretty small things to him, then tell him how you feel and explain you'd feel better about him if he tried harder in future to notice things or remember things that you might think important.

If he's done something medium-bad, which might to you be spending too much time talking to another girl, or going out with his friends when he knew you wanted him to take you somewhere, or being really rude to you, then again you need to talk about the situation until you feel he truly understands what's gone wrong and will make an effort not to do it again.

If it's something really, really bad, then you have the choice of either leaving him, or accepting it's happened and might happen again, and trying to make the best of the relationship you have.

A need to actually punish a person, to deliberately make them suffer, is a problem you have, and you should maybe try to think about why you feel this way.

You won't achieve anything by that kind of behaviour other than making him feel bad, yourself feel bad, and probably making your friends feel uncomfortable as well.

People who see you behaving that way won't consider you a good person, or a strong person: you'll look more like a silly child throwing a tantrum. In the end, you'll be the big loser.

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15y ago

What did he do to make you want to humiliate him? You may just want to forgive and forget. It's healthier for your sanity and your boyfriends pride

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15y ago

Belt him across the a$$ with a cane.. I did ;)

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12y ago

uh, you dont...

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14y ago

so close, and yet...

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