well if he isn't a jerk like most boys you can go right up and give him a hug
You just hug him its ok
no but he did it in front of the class when we was in school when we was litteler
Hug him first! go for it
if you want to get your bf to hug you do 1 of 2 things either you just give him a hug or you ask for a hug.
Just be yourself! And be confident! Give your boyfriend a hug when you leave and maybe a kiss on the cheeck :)
i personally feel that your boyfriend is not proud 20o be with yhu if he cant not hug yhu in school.if my boyfriend were to do that to me i would off the back be offended because that shows that he is ashamed to be with you and if that is the case then hes not a real boyfriend. that's when you tell him that he has to pack it up and move on by hisself because that doesnt make any sense
hug or kiss them first or flirt around and tease them and ask them to.
Hug High School was created in 1968.
kiss my boyfriend and hug him
That you need to dump that sucker!
1. hug him urself 2. say its cold and rub ur self, he might hug u.
There is no such thing as a half hug. it's just a hug or no hug. When he says you don't hug him like you are supposed to that just means he wants hugs.