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You just hug the backpack with her

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Q: How do you hug a girl who's wearing a backpack?
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Related questions

How do you get a hug by a girl?

you be brave and hug her!

Girl hug boy?

You Have To Hug Her ♥♫

What is the emoticon for a hug?

For a Hug there are two , one for a girl and one for a guy , they are : ({) for the girl and : (}) for the girl going the other Way. that is all , have funn

Who should hug first girl or boy?


Is the girl supposed to hug the guy first?

Be brave wait for like a little and if he doesn't hug you, hug him. You have to be brave.

What does it mean if you hug a girl but she does not hug you back and lets you hug her at the same time?

she probably just wants to get to know you better

What does the girl do with her hands while making out?

hug the boy. if you are a boy don't be afraid to hug a girl while kissing her. she'll like it

Will a girl hug you or kiss you if she has a boyfriend?

It just depends on the type of girl she is

Can you hug a girl you like after a casual meeting The girl likes you?

yes you can

What does it mean if a girl doesn't hug you but lets you hug her at the same time while you hug her?

Hugception well it really just means that she feels better when you hug her because she is to scared to

Should you kiss a girl before or after you hug her?


I have been dating your boyfriend whos a sixth grader whereas im a seventh grader for a month and we still havent even hugged what should you do?

If you really want to hug him then when you say goodbye or something hug him and say bye!