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Show respect-LISTEN more than Talk-/praise attractive features /be warm and friendly without being pushy/do not exaggerate your own experiences and patientlyawait results --if none give up -- dont waste your time/efforts or even money!! call her

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17y ago
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15y ago

just be yoursef, dont try to act all cool, invite him/her to stuff that he/she likes, go places alone, romantic or not he/she will like being wherever you are! good luck and tell me how it ends!

~callie B

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Q: How do you hook up a girl for the first time?
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How do you get a girl to hook up with you?

Talk to her nicely and show her a good time the first time you meet if she has a great time she will come back for more!

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When you hook it up to iTunes for the first time

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usually the girl does, but if you want to text them after, or not. then do it, or dont. it doesnt really matter who does it first.

How do you hook up with a girl for the first time?

That's a trick question you don't even though it looks like "fun" there are more than enough risks to out weigh the time you're in her pants.

Do you hook up positive or negative first?

Hook up the positive first then the negative.

How does a straight girl hook up with a lesbian?

This is an unlikely, if not impossible scenario, since a truly straight girl would not want to hook up with a lesbian.

How do you hook up for the first time?

lol:)it really cant be planned:)it just happens:)

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tell her you want to hook up!!!

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What to do if you think your a bisexual girl?

hook up with girls

What battery wire to you hook up first in a car battery?

Hook positive up first, negative last.

How do you hook up with a girl that has a boyfriend?

Well first you have to ask her if she is interested in cheating on her man and if she is then you are good to go. But be ready for any consequences.