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it is a sudden jolt of your diaphragm

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Q: How do you hicup?
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What makes you hicup?

drinking or eating to fast

Why do i moan after i hicup?


Does youre heart stop when you hicup?


What does HICUP pneumonic of delegation stand for?


How much do dentist Mack in a year?

i dont know but its make not mack ps i eat chopsticks and im totaly crazy p.s sucker ask a dentist hahahahaha hicup im only 10 stop laughing at me cry cry you go over under around and through haha suckers hicup hicup

Why do people hicup-?

People hiccup because the diaphragm becomes irritated and pulls down and makes the person take a sudden breath of air.

How do you get hic-ups?

The only way of getting hicup is to have a food stuck in your esophagus. Though I'm not entirely sure if that's the only method of having hicups.

Give me four hicup cures please?

Scull lost of water. or Hold ur nose and swallow. Get some one to scare it out of u. Concentrate on eating or breathing instead. or push on ur diaphram (some work for me) good luck!

What would cause my 92 jeep wrangler 2.5L to miss and hicup when you give it gas but Idle fine when you let off I have replaced all the plugs wires filters and fuel treatments Its wired right Help?

I am sorry but its wired all wrong!! You have to wait three months to let and dont touch it then get a manicure (pink colour) and then drive it actually works and all your problems are gone!

Do you grow when you hiccup?

no you do not grow when you get hick ups. ( i wanna write it that way) what does make you grow up ... veggies and fruits and playing basketball. hope this helped and this does not include gibberish or whatever... don't listen to the dingbot or whatever.. :D

What makes a person hicup?

Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle, which is responsible for breathing. These contractions can be triggered by various factors such as eating too quickly, consuming carbonated beverages, sudden excitement or stress, or irritation of the diaphragm or the nerves that control it.

Why did people like the fax machine?

Imagine the only way I could answer to your question was to write a letter, wait until tomorrow morning, wake up earlier, go to the post office, to envelope, to stamp - what stamp? Ah! Let me check your addres to see the stamp price - Double check the address or the letter will be missed. Ready. You will receive my answer in a couple of days... or weeks... or who knows when if the postman has a hicup :)Then, somene invented the fac-simile aka fax. I write my letter, include some drawings, put love or angry faces, kiss the paper with a lipstick, fax all that to you and you get it promptly. IT WAS AMAZING!Well, it is nothing comparing to a webcam, but we did not even have a computer.AnswerFax machine can transmit a copy or image of document in far distances. The trend right now is the online fax service which does not require a fax machine.This is highly secure and offers fast transmission.