well, i burnt my tongue taste testing some caramel sauce a while ago. most of my tongue was numb for a while, then the tastebuds enlarged and turned white. Then they fell off and new ones generated. Give it a week you'll be fine.
the sour taste buds are beside the sweet one.
Yes your taste buds can taste mayonnaise, unless all of your taste buds are dead, than you cant taste anything.
There are no taste buds specifically on the lips. Taste buds are located on the tongue, soft palate, and throat. Lips have touch receptors, not taste buds.
No, there are no taste buds in your nose.
Almost every body has taste buds but girls have more than boys. There are no actual girl taste buds nor boy taste buds.
taste buds
there are 4 taste buds
taste buds are used for tasting, if we didn't have taste buds then we would not taste any flavors at all. it is one of our 5 senses.
No, lions do not have taste buds in their feet. Taste buds are located on the tongue and in the mouth, which allow them to taste and differentiate flavors of food.
yes thet do have taste buds.
taste buds.
Taste buds! :-)