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Q: How do you go to bed late but get up early?
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Why sould you go to bed early?

You sould go to bed early because you wont get a head ache, stress or sleeply ness, you sould go to bed early so the next day you are refreshed with energy and it a waste of time staying up late because you will just be exaugted the next mourning.Sleep early at night kids.

How do you get to bed the right time?

If you go to bed at 9:00 you should go to bed at 8:30 then you get uP for high school on time. If you like to stay up late go to bed at 8:00

What is best to stop waking up in the night going to bed early or late?

stop waking up in the night

If you stay up late does it make you die faster?

not sleeping for two weeks can kill you. Get to bed nice and early! not sleeping for two weeks can kill you. Get to bed nice and early!

How can you get your kids to go to bed?

Wake them up very early in the morning so they will want to go to bed in the evening.

What to do when sent to bed early?

kick her out the window and dont let her back in house and that means you can stay up late

How can you make your kids go to bed on time?

Give them consequences for not going to bed on time, if in elementary school. If they are in middle school or high school leave them to go to bed whenever they want. Then in the morning, if they expect you to wake them up, don't wake them. This will teach them to go to bed early and so they can wake up early.

How do you cope with waking up early?

go back to bed u idiot

Identify and describe at least three attributes of successful entrepreneurs?

Successful entrepreneurs are persistent. They wake up early and go the bed late because they want to make sure the work is done.

What does the proverb 'Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise' mean?

It means Up and at 'em! You won't go far in this world by staying out late at night and sleeping late in the morning.

Is goind to bed early for kids?

Yes because when you're the oldest at age 11 through adult ages you're allowed to stay up late before getting up early.

Why do children go to school late?

because children dont wake up early