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Q: How do you get your urine color back to normal after drinking a lot of water?
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Why is your urine a lighter color after drinking a lot of fluids?

This is relative to the amount of bodily fluids in your urine versus the amount of water. The more fluid you drink, the more water will be in your urine. This will increase the proportion of water to bodily fluids which will make the color much lighter.

Is acidic urine darker?

Urine becomes darker only if you are dehydrated. Drink more water and the waste becomes a lighter color. When you are dehydrated (Darker color) your urine is more acidic than normal.

If your urine is clear are you drinking enough water?

yes that you are drinking enough water

Why would urine look like water?

Urine that looks like water may indicate that you are drinking a lot of fluids, diluting the color of your urine. This is often a sign of hydration, which is generally considered a good thing. If your urine consistently looks like water and you are not drinking excessive amounts of fluids, it could be a sign of a medical condition and you should consult a healthcare provider.

Type of urine excreted when the water content of the body is low?

When the water content of the body is low, the urine excreted tends to be dark yellow or amber in color. This can indicate dehydration, as the body is conserving water by producing less urine that is more concentrated. Drinking more water can help normalize urine color and maintain proper hydration levels.

Is urine in Mexico's drinking water?

yes there is.

How does alcohol turn into urine?

When your urine is a darker color, that means you are dehydrated.

How do you keep urine Clean?

by drinking plenty water

How do you clear concentrated urine?

By drinking fresh water.

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Can drinking enough water help me pass a urine drug test

Can drinking water clear your artieries?

Drinking water can't clear arteries, but it can help flush out substances through urine.

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