there isn't a way
If he truly wants you back, then of course!
If you want your boyfriend back, who is currently with another girl, simply approach the other girl and tell her to stop spending with your boyfriend.
If he wants to marry another girl he's not your boyfriend.
It's been a year. Does his new girl deserve an ex trying to take her boyfriend away? Get over him and find another partner, or even a hobby.
Get another gye that really cares about you. Seems this boyfriend couldn't so why be with hime if he cheated on you and doesnt love you. Gte with another gye and make him jealous.
If he's just a friend to you now, then you don't want him back.
You don't.
if i where you i would tell the girl that likes that boy that he has a girlfriend.that is what i would do.
You don't. She has a boyfriend. Move on.
No. He is talking to another person.
your boyfriend is just being completely honest with you and he obviously doesnt like you as much as this 'other' girl. i would appreciate him sharing this with me instead of cheating on me and going behind my back.