All I Know OF Is Tooth Paste , Salt :) Give It A Try...
caused by the lack of secretion in food bypass
it never lets them heal (ulsers,liver,heart etc.
Answer If you have foot ulsers this isn't the place to be asking questions. You should go and see your family doctor and if you don't have a family doctor, then any doctor will do. Diabetes and foot ulsers are nothing to play with. Do yourself a favor and go see a doctor who is qualified to answer your questions.
gastro-intestinal disorders of the stomach and or the digestive system examples include: * crone's disease * heart burn * acid reflux disease * ulsers
It is actually a mouth ulser/gum boil. I suffer from these all the time. My dentist says Im prone to them. When I get them I usually use bonjela-this is a fast acting gel for mouth ulsers. I also use Corsodyl mouthwash. My dentist suggested I use it. And I also wash my mouth out with warm water and salt. Hope I helped you.
Neem or azadiracta indica has its commercial importance in the fields of medicine and agriculture. it has insecticidal properties. hence used in organic farming as a herbicide. it also has anti diabetic, anti viral and anti bactrial properties as well, and used to cure stomach worms and ulsers. it is also effective in combatting head lices in humans.
Bulimia's most dangerous consequence is the fact that after a prolonged period of time, stomach acid from vomit can burn holes in the person's esophagus, which is extremely dangerous and potentially deadly. Stomach acid also erodes tooth enamel, which is a permanent and irreversible consequence. It is also entirely possible to become dehydrated from prolonged purging, and with dehydration comes a shortage of electrolytes, which can cause hypokalemia. The chronic dehydration impairs the function of the kidneys, which can cause some people to require dialysis.
Ulcer stages are typically classified into four main categories: Stage 1 - characterized by intact skin with non-blanchable redness; Stage 2 - partial thickness loss involving epidermis and/or dermis; Stage 3 - full thickness tissue loss with visible adipose tissue; and Stage 4 - full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon, or muscle. These stages help healthcare professionals determine appropriate treatment and management strategies for pressure ulcers.
As if your meaning a 6 pack of beers, all depends on hieght, weight, and percentage of alcohol content that you are drinking, and your tolerence level like if you drink normally or dont. You drink a normal 6 pack of 5.9% beer you can bet it will be 1 hour for each beer befor its out of your system, so 6 hours, but you will still smell like alcohol, it can get out or sober up even quicker if you eat befor and after, but if you dont eat befor you drink effects of alcohol will develop much more quicker and intense, also not eating befor drinking tends to put strain on the stomach causing ulsers if you drink harder stuff, and as if you didnt know regular usage is not good on the liver :)
If the lining of you stomach has been damaged, then there would be some definite symptoms. The lining of your stomach protects the stomach wall from the acids and enzymes in your stomach that digest food - its is there so we do not eat ourselves! Now, firstly, it is very hard to damge. The 'lining' of the stomach is a secreted substance that the acid wears at instead of the stomcah wall, and it is contantly being replaced. It is very unlikely for you to damage the production of this secretion - you would have to seriously upset the inner workings of you system. But anyway, the symptoms would be quite painful. As you would expect, as the acid wears at the stomach wall, ulsers appear which can be extremely painful and discomforting. So, if you have alot of pain coming from your stomach, especially when you eat or apply pressure to the region, then you should go and consult your GP.