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you get hiccups when the main muscle of your lungs has like a spasm and closes the tubes in you vocal box making the hiccup noise.

YA, but if you want to get hiccups then you just have to like read a bunch of funny things, practically, you have to laugh a lot

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Q: How do you get the hiccups at any time of the day?
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Related questions

What are the symptoms of hiccups?

intractable hiccups may be caused by any condition that irritates or damages the relevant nerves, including

What or where is the worst time or place to get the hiccups?

under water

If I get the hiccups I usually have them 3 to 4 times that day is that bad?

no it's not

Why do you experience hiccups?

There is no obvious reason why we get the hiccups from time to time. Hiccups are an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm (an extremely important muscle used for breathing that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen). Hiccups seemed to be related to eating or drinking too fast, being nervous or excited, or having an irritation in the stomach. In some VERY rare cases, the hidden cause of hiccups can be pleurisy (inflammation of the membrane lining of the lungs and chest cavity), pneumonia, some disorders of the stomach or esophagus, pancreatitis, alcoholism, or hepatitis. Any one of these conditions can bring irritation of the diaphragm or the phrenic nerves that give the diaphragm it's the irritation that causes the hiccups.

When you eat in hurry talk or laugh while eating you may get hiccups?

Everyone experiences hiccups from time to time, especially after eating too much food or drinking too much alcohol. But some people get hiccups frequently for no apparent reason, and the attacks can last a long time and be distressing.

Why would several children in the same classroom get hiccups at the same time?

maybe it was right after lunch and kids are prone to getting hiccups after lunch

What does it mean when you get the hiccups every dingle day?

It means you're really dingly...

Can hiccups become dangerous?

Sporadic hiccups are usually harmless. But persistant hiccups may be the sign of something more serious. If you hiccup for a few minutes at a time you'll probably be fine, but if you have hiccups for a large amount of time, see a doctor.

How do you stop hiccups in children?

Peanut butter stops hiccups. A non-allergic child can be given a small amount of peanut butter to calm any esophageal irritations.

Do cam newton get hiccups?

He gets them all the time and plus everyone gets them

I have had hiccups for the past two years they are random hiccups one at a time throughout each day averaging one hour apart there are at least 9 a day I was wondering why this happens?

Your heart is telling you that you arent treating it well. you need to stop getting stressed out, start exercising, consume enough protein and always negate the carbohydrates. do some research on natural immune system boosters.

What time of day are cirrocumulus clouds out?

any time of day