Take aspirin or Tylenol or any pain killer you can tolerate. Rub the back of your neck or massage your temples. If it is caused by a sensitivity to odors (perfume) you have to get out of the area and maybe take a shower and wash your hair.
some headace's are caused by tension and some are tiredderd by light or sound and sometimes it can be a medical reason you have headace's if you have constant headace's talk to your doctor
Yes, Pancake will reduce the headace a lot of a bit. It is a proven fact that the fix is good for you.
Yes sometimes..it can cause a headache!!
If not will a Ls3?
Some people can have headaches that last for days.
Management is nothing but the headace of acheving a result with the help of subordinates.
It's certainly possible. Staring at the small screen for long periods can bring on a headache.
You could be blinded or it could cause headace problems or brain damage
Most treatments in Tudor England were bleedings. A backache meant a bleeding from the back, so a headace meant a bleeding from the head or the general area. It was believed aches were caused by bad bile in the body and that bleeding helped to rid the body of this bile.
To alleviate a temple headache, try using a cold compress on your temples, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, ensuring proper hydration, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen if needed. If the headache persists or worsens, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.
It dont come off. Break it and spare yourself the headace and just buy a new one for the 30 dollars.
It must be a very bad pain and maybe she should see a doctor. Most kids don't cry unless the pain is bad.