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you peel them off and when you do this you put the scabs on a fry pan and cook them up that's good eaten right there man yup

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Q: How do you get rid of scabs on your legs?
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pick them off

How do you get rid of mosquito bite scabs?

In order to get rid of mosquito bite scabs, try dabbing the scabs with chamomile lotion or aloe Vera gel. Both of these ointments provide healing aids for the skin and will help make your scabs disappear at a quicker rate.

How do you get rid of scabs and not pick at them?

Well, this websitemight come in handy~ =]http:/

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Once the scabs fall off on their own, you can apply a small amount of Palmer's cocoa butter on them to fade the dark marks quickly.

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Why do horses have scabs on their legs?

they actually are not scabs. they are made of the same material that their hooves are made of. ancient horses had toes and the "scab" actually called the chestnut, was once a toe.

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Mud FeverOn a horse, it causes painful sores and scabs on its legs.

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How do you get rid of scabs fast?

Try soaking in a hot bath, this will soften them as they protect the skin underneath, don't pick at them, as it could make them worse.

How do you get rid of scars on legs?

Let it go naturally

Does walking get rid of veiny legs?

Yes,of course it does!