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Q: How do you get rid of purple streaks under eyes?
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I don't sleep very well and under my eyes it gets really purple what's an easy way to get rid of the purple?

You can go to sleep at an earlier time to reduce purpleness and may i also suggest using some concealer or foundation underneath the eye to hide the purple colour

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The only thing that will get rid of a black eye, is the passage of time. Your body will heal itself in its own good time.

How do you get rid of bags under eyes besides getting a better sleep?

You can always use concealer but if you want a healthier altenative, Jack Black has a great gel that you put under your eyes to get rid of shadows/ bags under your eyes. Plus, it doesnt have any unhealthy ingredients. Good Luck:)

Do potatoes help get rid of bags under your eyes?

From what I've heard yes they do.

How do you get rid of morning bags under your eyes?

Hi, To get rid of these bags under your eyes try using: Tea bags (warmed) or Cucumber (thin layers sliced) I hope this helps, cause I use this method and it works for me

Who to get rid of dark puffy bags under eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are usually caused from sleep deprivation so a few consecutive nights of good night sleeps should get rid of them or you may start to see an improvement. Another method is to leave two teaspoons in the fridge overnight and in the morning put the backs of the teaspoons under your eyes. This should get rid of the crease that defines the bags.

I have dark bags under my eyes. How do I get rid of them?

You cant get rid of dark circles, they are hareditory. You can only use concealer to discuise them.

Best treatment to get rid of dark circles under eyes?

After washing the potatoes, peel them and leave them under your eyes to get rid of unsightly puffiness. If you have dark circles, I recommend that you use a bit of foundation, cover-up, or concealer that matches your skin tone.

What is a easy way to reduce the purple under your eyes without makeup?

I dont think there is a way to reduce the purple under your eyes bu i now a great way of accually getting rid of them using only 2 makeup products this trick works a absolute treat :DGet your conceler (coverup) and a orange lipstickdap a small amout of orange lipstick on the area where the dark circles are dont use to much or it wont workthen, get your concealer and put it on top of the orange lipstick. If you do this correctly you will be left with NOdark circles what-so ever.

What make-up should you use on your really really pale skin to get rid of massive bags under your eyes?


What vitamins are good to take for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes?

Just use concealer, or get more sleep

How do you get rid of purple knees?

Did you write on your knees with a purple marker, or is it veins? Take a hot shower!