first, go to the start button, then go to control panel, then click add/remove programs. then scroll down till you see yontoo layers. click on it and then click remove to uninstall the program from your computer.
PageRage is not a virus. PageRage is ad supported but is very easy to uninstall if you wish to not use anymore. I find PageRage to be the best Facebook layouts app out there right now and I wouldn't use anything else.
To remove pagerage as your default home page in Internet Explorer: 1. Select Tools -> Internet Options 2. Click on the Use Default Button
Yes, pagerage is a safe plug in. I currently use it and love it. I have only experienced a few minor bugs, but their team fixed these as well. I love the fact that I can customize my own layouts and it's so easy to do.
Yes it is. Be aware that PageRage is an ad-supported browser app which means that once you install, you will see ads placed by PageRage on your Facebook account. The app offers an ad-free version called Premium.
You can delete PageRage by visiting their support page here:
The PageRage layouts can get in the way of some regular use of the page and it is ad supported software. They also change your default home page and search engine in your browser. However, you can choose to not have it as your home page if you uncheck this option during installation. Overall, it is a safe plug in.
To get a facebook background you have to go onto different pages like pagerage to download one to transfer onto your facebook
Facebook? Sorry to tell ya, but there is no way to have a costum layout on Facebook as of now :[ A: There are currently applications that you can download that work as an extention to Facebook that allow you to change your background. Your friends will not be able to see it though, only you can. Two applications that are really well known now are PageRage and CameleonTom. PageRage definitely has much more in the way of support and variety.
anything really like facebook,myspace,yearbook,Google,pagerage,answer,bing,ect. (by the way dont dany personal things cuz it stays there 4eva)
There is a facebook app called "Pagerage Super Profile". Just search it within the application directory; click and "go to the app"▬ then, allow access...
go to pagerage's site and download the toolbar and that's it. You can get themes like Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Fergie, Micheal Jackson, and many more