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Through the amazing advances of technology, we have these things called razors. It's difficult to imagine anything that could possibly be much faster than that.

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Q: How do you get rid of leg hair fast?
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How do you get leg hair to grow fast?

Well, some people try to get rid of leg hair. But for now leg hair grows by it's time. I don't think something can make you leg hair grow faster because a lot of people don't want it.

How does a child get rid of leg hair?

shave it, bleach it or wax it!

How do you prevent leg hair?

You can't. Leg hair grows practically everyday. But if you want to , you can shave everyday in the shower. Or every two days or so on. Another way to get rid of leg hair would be to get laser hair removal but that can cost an awful amount of money. So I suggest shaving everyday to keep the hair from coming back.

How do you get rid of the density of leg hair?

our bodies have a set amount of hair follicles(what the hair grows from) so unless the follicle is dead the same amount of hair keeps coming back.

Does nair disappear leg and or arm hair forever?

No. Nair gets rid of the hair that's already on the area you use it, so it only lasts until new hair grows back. This is only gets rid of hair for a couple of days, just as long as shaving would.

How do you get rid of the vain marks on your leg?

you can not

How do you get rid of warts on leg in less than two weeks?

Amputate your leg.

Is beard hair rougher them leg hair?


Do Dylan and Cole Sprouse have leg hair?

yes they do have leg hair there 18 teen years old

How do you get rid of fast browser search?

You do not want to get rid of fast browser search. It can be however got rid with weak internet connection.

Does yawning cause leg hair to grow?

No. Yawning does not cause leg hair to grow. What does cause leg hair to grow (either thicker or darker) is shaving, genetics, and your overall hormones in your body.

Why does your leg hair hurt?

because it is new hair