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Q: How do you get rid of lead poisoning?
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Who first had lead poisoning?

There is some evidence that ancient, prehistoric peoples who smelted lead and tin suffered from lead poisoning.

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What causes lead poisoning?

When a person ingests or breathes in too much lead for their body to naturally process, they are at risk for lead poisoning.

What's Lead poisoning?

When a person ingests or breathes in too much lead for their body to naturally process, they are at risk for lead poisoning.

Can a mechanical pencil give you lead poisoning?

If the pencil contains graphite lead, it is not toxic and cannot give you lead poisoning. However, if the pencil contains actual lead or other harmful substances, it could pose a risk of lead poisoning if ingested or inhaled in large amounts.

How does lead poisoning affect children?

lead poisoning in a child can lead to learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and even mental retardation. At very high levels, lead poisoning can cause seizures, coma, and even death.

Can lead kill you?

Yes it can, you can die from lead poisoning from lead.

Is ink poisoning more dangerous that lead poisoning?

Ink Poisoning is not more dangerous than lead poisoning though they are equally dangerous. They both occur with long exposure to ink or lead. They are generally not fatal but have damaging effects on the body if not dealt with.

Can you get lead poisoning from a necklace?

You can only get lead poisoning from a necklace if you have some form of cut, pimple etc. that could allow the lead to enter your system.

Is lead paint poisoning an infectious disease?

Lead paint poisoning is not an infectious disease; it is caused by exposure to lead-containing paint or dust. Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body over time and can lead to serious health issues, especially in children. It is not contagious and cannot be spread from person to person.

Can you get lead poision from a pencil?

No, you cannot get lead poisoning from a pencil. Pencils do not contain lead; they use graphite for the writing material. Graphite is not toxic and cannot cause lead poisoning.

How do you get rid of fiberglass poisoning?

If you suspect fiberglass poisoning, seek medical help immediately. Treatment may involve removing any fiberglass particles from the skin, eyes, or lungs, using cool water or saline solution to flush the affected area, and taking medications to alleviate symptoms such as itching or irritation. Prevention is key, so take precautions to avoid exposure to fiberglass in the future.