You really can't get rid of it once you contract it. It is called a retrovirus because if stays dormant and then reoccurs at different times. It causes warts in the genital region and some forms of it can lead to cancer.
Human Papillomavirus. If you go to the CDC website at CDC dot gov then type HPV in the search box, you can read more about it. I would post it in related links, but Answers is not allowing that right now.
The human papillomavirus can cause many problems. It can lead to infertility and can also cause cervical cancer in women.
The human papillomavirus can cause many problems. It can lead to infertility and can also cause Cervical cancer in women.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that causes genital warts and can increase the risk of developing some cancers.
HPV, also known as Human Papillomavirus
HPV - human papillomavirus
genital warts
It could be Human papillomavirus.
genital warts
Human Papilllomavirus may cause warts.Genital warts.
Circumcised men who engaged in risky sexual behaviors were less likely to contract penile human papillomavirus (HPV).
Yes, HPV stands for human papillomavirus