If you are a women or girl try wearing lip gloss or lipstick. If you are a boy or a man than try using chapstick; the dark kind, maybe like burts bees.
make up or ice.
you cant. you're born with it
Shave it off, but it will grow back....
There is no right age, you can get rid of that yuck stuff as soon as it comes, just shave it off
you cant just wax
you may use ice on the specific area... or you may use any cream that actually suits you for a very long time...
TO GET RID OF DARKNESS, you need LIGHT To get rid of hate inside, you need LOVE
use a screw driver
Try using ice
to get pink lips jst mix little sugar wit sum butter & apply on ur lips for 1/2 an hr. if ur upper lip is dark apply butter every nite.( butter without sugar)
white paint
you can use coco butter