Okay, well. This is a tough situation. But the first thing you need to do is listen. See why he has these problems, it can help you get him over it. Once you listen... it's your turn to talk. If his past relationship ended in him getting hurt, be careful. If you aren't he could end up being mad at you. Basically, tell him it was the past if you think he would understand. Let him know that if he needs to, he should see a therapist or have some time to really think. The only way he could get over that situation is to be able to solve it himself. If he thinks that he can't get a girl... or has dating trouble, take him to a club or something. Show him he needs a chance to see that maybe he needs to find a different type of girl. So... don't be blaming him for dumpin it on you, chance is, he needs to get it of his chest.
Its not up to you to deal with his past relationship problems. I am sure that you know that the past problems will come into the new relationship until he deals with his past problems. Don't wait for him to deal with them. You have your life to lead.
Anytime you want. If they are in a relationship, you can't just meet them you have to respect the fact that they are with someone and just have a simple conversation about the past. Try not to cause any jealousy or problems between you and the current person that your sweet heart is with.
yes but sometimes it may take awhile depending how deep the relationship was
Sadly, there is no way to breakup with someone with out hurting them. Usually someone is still very attached when one person breaks up with another. Even a relationship that ends on a mutual understanding of the problems in the relationship itself still leaves quite a mark on the two former participants. It's best to tray and work out problems before you try and end the relationship. If it's past that mark, then try to ease into ending the relationship other than ending it out of the blue.
Present, past & future of cast is cast - bestofharish@gmail.com _______________________________________________
Many people turn to astrology to try to solve relationship problems. Although astrology can offer some insights, it is not a guaranteed solution. Some factors that can contribute to relationship difficulties include personal backgrounds, past experiences, and misunderstandings. In order to overcome these challenges, both people in a relationship need to be willing to work together and communicate openly.
Depends on the people. but a relationship is not simple and a very complex. It is easy and at the same time it is very hard. You are no longer alone, but share a life with another person who also has ideas, thoughts, past history, feelings, and their own problems. It isn't all "snow white" and Disneyland, but it takes patience, love, and compromise to be in a relationship. A selfish person won't last long in one. Neither will a abusive person and realtionships change as with all things in life. Nothing stays the same as you grow and learn.
To be frank, a lot. Mostly it depends on a number of factors. For example, you have to be over your exes and you have to be over the hurt. A key is to be able to realize that an ex is not a part of you anymore and you are with somebody else. Another thing is to be able to say, 'yes, this person hurt me', with no extreme emotions such as sadness or anger. Sometimes, if you still have baggage from past relationships, it is best to stay friends or keep dating (but not become 'exclusive') with the person you want to be involved with, and work out the problems on your own or even with them. The most important thing and the best way to work out the problems, I would have to say, is to get closure on past relationships. Most of the time, it seems that it is best to have closure and it always makes it easier to move on and start fresh in a new relationship. You can either talk to an ex to make sure that no feelings and no desire remains, or you can analyze a past relationship (open-mindedly) to see what you think went wrong and face reality. Analyzing relationships past can also help you reflect upon what you want in your new relationship, what you don't want, and seeing how you can better manage problems that came up in your previous relationships for this new one. I hope this helps, and I wish you the best.
The past tense is also 'cast'.
Answer They may have trust issues from past relationships where they trusted someone and that person let them down or hurt them. I think some people don't even know how to have a close relationship. If a person grew up without having closeness in their family or seeing those kind of relationships they don't know how to have a close relationship even if they may want to. Some people are just loners.
There is no slavery today therefore there is no present relationship with the past.
The past tense is also 'cast out'.