You use Abreva. It is the only cold sore medicine that i would recommend. It works extremely fast and you could have it gone in less than a week. If your cold sore has not even already started and you feel a tingling sensation on your lip, you are most likely to get a cold sore in the next few hours. The best thing to do then is to use Abreva and/or put cold ice onto your lip. I hope that helps. (:
fkissin to many hoes
Pyralvex is used for coldsores.
no, but it might make it hurts if the coldsore is near the lip piercing.
ask wendi hunt and if cant find her call 1812- 524-7939
You cannot put on cold sores because it ismeant for external use only.
first of all get one thing right; coldsores are the 'warts' in your mouth, and coleslaw is a vegetable food.
Coldsores are caused by the Herpes symplex virus. One way to reduce the severity of coldsores is to take l-lysine every day. Also Hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade 8-10 drops in water 3-4 times a day will help you body fight the virus.
Rid is a verb - to be rid of obligations
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. The virus usually enters the body through a break in the skin around or inside the mouth. It is usually spread when a person touches a cold sore or touches infected fluid.
"Rid" is a verb.Let's rid the world of evil!
you get rid of them by eating cheese you get rid of them by eating cheese
I want to get rid of my junk. How do I get rid of all this junk?