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Q: How do you get rid of a anooying person that keeps knocking on your door every day?
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I'd like to know who keeps knocking on our door. I'm just asking if you've seen who it is that keeps knocking on our door. I suppose you could be the one who's been knocking on our door.

My baby cousin keeps anooying me in my room my room doesn't have a lock what should I do from keeping him from anooying Me?

Give him something to do or let him watch TV. That way you can have peace and quiet until someone else comes.Or... If he wants to play with you, play with him doing the things you like, like maybe playing on the PS2/3 lol together. You'll probably thrash him anyway xD

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just feed it to him out your hand

What to do if someone keeps knocking on you door?

. If someone is knocking on the door, simply dont answer, If they keep knocking DO NOT OPEN IT OR ELSE! If they wont stop, call the police. I did it before and the person wasn't gonna hurt me, but the police made him go away. If you see someone looking in your window, or coming in your backyard, POLICE POLICE POLICE! Get a knife in your kitchen, and hide in a bathroom with a phone. Hopefully that answers your question. Thanks and hopefully none of that wont happen to you *Prayers*! Xoxo

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My girlfriend is a seraphic person. Every now and then she keeps helping the poor people.

Is saying touch wood superstitious?

Yes. Knocking on or touching wood keeps the bad spirits at bay. Yes it is a superstition.

Who keeps calling me every night?

The person who is harassing you is possibly someone you meet though the internet and now wants to stalk you. Just ignore it and if it keeps happening than call the cops.

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A person who keeps bees is called a beekeeper or an apiarist.

What walks backwards every three minutes?

someone that keeps finding pennys on the ground and then relized that the person in front of him/her has a hole in his/her pocket

How do you stop your brother from knocking down the Christmas tree?

threaten them by saying "I'll tell if you do it ." if he keeps doing it then tell. he will get in trouble. he will magically stop.

What is a person who keeps?

A hoarder.

A person who keeps to themselves?

an introvert