You can not overdose on marijuana. The lethal limit is hypothesized to be smoking around 22,000 joints each containing .9g of weed withing 15 minutes to actually die from it, which is humanly impossible. Marijuana is safer than cigarettes as if you smoke a bunch of cigs you can vomit from all the nicotine, that wont happen with marijuana.
OD'd .
No, he overdosed on drugs.
Overdosed is the correct spelling.
get off your computer and go to a VET.
she overdosed her crack
Get a shot of the same thing
If a person is overdosed it is rather obvious you may think BUT... in fact it is not that obvious as it is all to do with the BMI. Swedish scientists from Norway claim that if your BMI is over 28 then you are overdosed. Internationally you would be considered overdosed if your BMI is 30 or above. Usually people would look overdosed as they have excess flab hanging from them or 'handle bars' affect where flab is hanging over their trousers. If you suspect someone is overdosed, immediately change their diet so they eat a healthy, nutritional and balanced diet. I hear that cola and story tell heroins are the usually cure. Failing that a knife to the heart should stop the overdose. Be careful what you eat though, make sure you do not cut out fast food.
Take them to the doctors and let them handle it...
He died because he overdosed on medicine
A drug dealer
yes. the minute he was born