It depends but usually some people get hyper by eating or drinking things with a lot of sugar. Other people might get hyper when "awesome" things happen
no! not sugar or anything kids act like they are witch anoys me. the only way your hyper is when your exited or you have ADHD witch mean Attion Defict Hyperactivtiy Disorder whe your really hyper! i have it too!
Hyper Hyper was created on 1994-05-26.
No the word hyper is not a noun. It is an adjective.
silver that is hyper..
Hyper is "Hyper" is French, we don't translate it as it comes from Greek.
hyperactive hyper-focused
Here are some examples: hyperacid. hyperactive. hyperbolic. hypercautious. hypertension.
Hyper- which means High
hyper is a greek root word meaning over-. υπερ- (hyper-)
Hyper - television - was created in 2001.
Hyper Sports happened in 1984.
Hyper Sports was created in 1984.