-No teeth. -Use you tongue. -Play with his balls, then suck on them (but not for to long) -Start slow & steady then speed it up. p.s. Giving good head is a gift, sometimes tips wont help.
Hell yes it is! Giving head is fantastic for your teeth and tongue and bones.
it means giving head.
Rubbing the stomach makes the cow stretch its head, giving it better posture while showing.
The one giving head of course. The one receiving head might be able to close his eyes and imagine it is a woman servicing his hog... But the one giving head has no illusions as to what is in his mouth...
Giving head
Tilt the head when giving the breaths.
any heads good head
giving head to fungi
giving amazing head
cause she loves to give head
Depends if its long or not... i wouldn't go deep throating if you have a sore throat...
giving amazing head