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Q: How do you get barbiturates out of your system?
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What are the example of barbiturates?

Barbiturates are drugs that slow down your central nervous system, such as alcohol. Other well known barbiturates are sedatives and benzodiazephine.

What drug is not a central nervous system depressant?


Did Elvis Presley take barbiturates when he died?

yes a mixture of of methaqualone, morphine, codeine, and several barbiturates were found in his system at the time of his death.

Are barbiturates depressant drugs?

A Barbiturates is consider to be a depressant :)<3<3:)

What are Alcohol and barbiturates are categorized as?

Alcohol and barbiturates are both depressants. A depressant is a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels in various areas of the brain.

What drug can slow down the central nervous system?

Benzodiazepines,barbiturates, and sleep medications.

In combination with alcohol barbiturates do not have the potential for severe impairment?

It is never safe to take central nervous system depressants like alcohol and barbiturates in combination. The complications can be severe, and even fatal.

Are mushrooms cosiderd barbiturates?

No, mushrooms are not considered barbiturates. Barbiturates are a class of drugs that act as central nervous system depressants, often used for their sedative and hypnotic effects. Mushrooms, on the other hand, are a type of fungi that can be consumed for food or recreational purposes.

How is barbiturates is taken?

Barbiturates are usually swallowed but sometimes barbiturates are injected and this can be extremely dangerous. =)

Is a barbiturate class of drugs whose major action is to stimulate the central nervous system?

do barbiturates stimulate the central nervous system

Is alcohol a barbiturate?

Actually, yes they can be considered a barbiturate. Barbiturates are depressants that affect the central nervous system - guess what alcohol does...?

Is Barbiturates are depressants and are widely used to decrease central nervous system activity is that true or false?
