

How do you get a husky voice?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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16y ago

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Breathe using your diaphragm.

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How do you prevent husky voice?

Teach it

What is a husky voice?

like a wolf of a howling dog

What do you call a farm animal with a husky voice?


Who voice was soft and husky and said they gone?

Tom Robinson.

What are husky puppies?

what the ****? WHAT ARE HUSKY PUPPIES!?!?!?! well, think about it. huskies are a breed of dog... and puppies are baby dogs... SO, what do you think HUSKY PUPPIES are?!?!?!

Is a husky voice cool?

yes but also a dog like this one could throw there voice up to 122 miles

Who is the voice for the man in the yellow hat in Curious George?

husky male wizzle.

What is the meaning of husky voice?

it could mean kind of raspy and low

Is treble the kind of voice a person has whether it is rich pleasant weak thin hoasrse husky nasal or rough?

timber is a kind of voice a person has whether it is rich pleasant weak thin hoarse husky nasal or rough

Which is deeper a deep husky voice or a deep raspy voice?

niether i am owner of a malmute dog close cousins of huskeys and wolves and thier voice is extremly loud and dddeeeppp.

What is the Greek word for husky?

The Greek word for "husky", referring to the human voice, is "brakhnos" (classical spelling), modern pronunciation "vrachnos", the "ch" sound approximately that of German ch (rather more voiced than that of English h). If husky refers to the dog breed, the modern Greek word sounds like "chaski", as above.

How do you make a connect with a guy?

talk about planning your next date or super cool party. remember to use a super duper husky voice.