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get her a night light, she is afraid of the dark

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Q: How do you get a fourteen year old girl to stop peeing in her bed?
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Does neutering a 2 year old pit bull stop territorial peeing?

it should, but if it doesn't , you should get some belly bands, that prevents them from peeing on things!

How do you stop a 5 year old from peeing the bed at night?

Uh hello get them diapers for bed

What jobs can a fourteen year old American girl get?

Spread your legs.

How can a fourteen year old get a girl in bed?

Why, she's too young for it

What job can you get as a fourteen year old in the UK?

PAPER BOY!!! or girl

What if there is blood when an 8 year old girl wipes after peeing?

See her doctor to see if anything is wrong.

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Is it against the law for a fourteen year old girl to be pregnant in Missouri?


What is th average weight for a fourteen year old girl?

About 129 pounds :)

Am I allowed to legally date a seventeen year old girl if I'm a fourteen year old girl in Orem Utah?

There is no prohibition on dating.

Is it wrong for a fifteen year old girl to go out with a fourteen year old guy?

No. There is nothing wrong with that.

Where can a fourteen year old girl work in aurora co but not as a babysitter or paper girl?

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