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Just be yourself. And probably, everything will turn out the way you wanted it to.

Ask him for it; or you could LEAD him on to get it, one way or another.

Actually, I'm putting this the hard way. Things don't turn out perfect like in the movies unless you make it happen:

1. talk to him, because if you don't, and he doesn't talk to you, he'll never take notice.

2. Flirt with him, you don't have to be the super obvious girl or anything, but if you just flirt with him, he'll notice you more and more.

3. Now this one is very confusing. You have to engage him in conversation, and then after you say hello and he says something like "so what's up", act like your very busy all of a sudden and that you don't have time to chat. This will make you mysterious and intriguing.

4. After you have acted busy, later on come back to him (like the next day, or a few hours later) and say that you finally got some free time. He'll notice that you're just taking some time to hang out with someone or hang around some place, and after you've been making him intrigued and curious, he'll want to see what you'll get up to, and maybe come along with you wherever you go for free time.

5. Think of an interesting place to go with him because you still have to be that girl that all of a sudden got interesting. After step 3, make sure that you have somewhere either beautiful or just interesting to go for step 4.

--IDK if this will work with you. You can try it, but depending on the boy, it might not. I REALLY hope this helps you out!! :)
Well, first of all you actually speak to him. Like face-to-face maybe saying hello or something that he is interested and that then might get him talking. Or if your nervous add him on something which could get you talking easier, but gradually (when your feeling up to it) talk to him in person because that then will show him that your confident and maybe like to know you better. If you like him; try making loads of interesting conversation. dontblab on about something weird & boring because that will lower his views on you & will stop talking to you after a while, so find out what he's interested in and start talking to him about it, maybe you'll find out you have some of the same interests. But sorry to hear this, girls, if he stops talking to you or puts little effort into your conversation then he's not interested or if he just wants to talk to you about sex, back away because you can tell he's just wanting you for that.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

you should at first interduce yourself if she doesn't know you but don't try to speak to her a lot cause girls like the quit gays who don't interact with others that's how you get her attention

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βˆ™ 13y ago

welll talk to her alot and dont be mean to her girls dont like this just be nice and not be to clingy just be cool maybe give them a txt now and again and txt tem lik hav and actual conversation lik wat u don or howz u n ten wen u find a good moment ask her out maybe and jus b cool n wen u meet her 4 de 1st time try not b 2 forward stay cool girls lik al of dis

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Well, if you have one guy in particular like me... then follow these tips:

1. try to sit beside him, and dont stare.

2. Try to make him laugh, dont say or do anything he doesnt like.

3. Do yourself up sometimes like your makeup, hair, clothes and were some perfume. Dont load it on, just a little spritz. :)

4. Avoid any food that makes your breath smell bad.

5. Try to talk a little. Give him some time to talk too, dont blabb about anything.

6. Keep your cool, dont burst out laughing or snorting.

7. If you see him anywere outside of school, just walk past him and say "Hi" or "Hey" Dont stop to have a conversation only if he asks you something. If you have long hair, dont tuck it and flipp it over your shoulder when walking past him.

Enjoy :)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

well to start off you can be a fat pig. if you really want a guy to look at you then you should just walk around nude all the time cuz then we would be staring. look if your desperate enough to have to go on to get relationship advice you should just give up.. guys arent so complex that you have to go online and ask.. eally you just have to be yourself and be confident about it and if he dont like you than tough just move on and get over it.. if you dont you will waste about 20 years of your life cause your scared that all guys are gonna react the same.. basically if you really really want his attention dress like a slut and let everything show.. trust me he will be lookin then.. so get off the computer and go to the store by a few mini skits some tight see throu clothes and a thong and youll be set..

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βˆ™ 13y ago
what i would do is to be his friend and get to know him then there will be an traction between the two and that's when u should make a move!!!!!!!Answer:

I'd find some neutral friends, and start using them to hang out together. This makes things more relaxed between you and starting as friends makes you closer and you can work out if he's actually a nice guy and if he'd be a good catch.

Then get flirting. Look at his lips from a distance. Smile and sweeten your tone a little bit around him. Touch his arms and spend more time with him alone. Soon he'll notice you as the beautiful, nice and fun girl you are.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
  1. do something that you both have in common
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βˆ™ 14y ago

flirt, talk laugh and smile :)

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Find a way to get them alone.

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