Don't worry about it. You're so young, why rush things. However if you really like her, why not ask her to an amusement park or carnival for the day. Your parents (or hers) can take you on some Saturday. OR ask her to be your field trip buddy the next time your class goes somewhere. Whatever you do, take it slow. Don't rush into adulthood.
....Thanks dude that totaly helps me with this girl I like.
No, you do not need a girlfriend, in fourth grade. Wait until 6th grade. TRUST ME.
You can ask then if they want to go out
In this grade it is inappropriate to have a boyfriend or girlfriend in this grade. I say wait till you get in middle school. im in fourth and its hard u just have to be veary good looking my friend has a girlfriend in 6th and hes in 4th he just got lucky
Just ask and say I love you girl so be my gf I'm a 5th grade girl
You should wait until you get older, at least in the six grade! That is quite a young age to be worrying about such a thing.
Should 4th graders really be kissing? And in school? Inappropriate.
he dont have a girlfriend
You shouldn't have a girlfriend in grade 5 that's just sad.
2 things, One it's not really girlfriend more of a crush really And second, You don't kiss her! You're too young, I'm 13 and even i haven't kissed my girlfriend
you don't you're in fourth grade
It's not bad but you can't just decide your going to have a girlfriend in 7th grade. When you start to have a girlfriend make sure your ready to have one. It may be good to experiment but a seventh grade girlfriend is most likely an "in-school" girlfriend. No like dinner dates.
Since you are only in 5th grade, there isn't much you can do to be a "great" girlfriend... just be yourself!