

Best Answer

You're going to go no where if you don't do anything. You should just tell her how you feel, its the easiest thing you can do. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! Answer 1 is correct in that nothing can result if you do nothing; therefore, you MUST ACT. In order to act, you must override your shyness. To do this you must use COURAGE to help you. Many people think courage is something that people either have naturally, OR that courage is a LACK OF FEAR. Neither of these is true. One who has no fear is a fool. Fear is a natural self-protection device, which we sometimes allow to control us. Courage is a trait of character, which one must cultivate as it does not come naurally. Courage is the trait of knowing what is right or what must be done, and having the moral fortitude to go ahead and do what must be done, IN SPITE OF the FEAR. Even if you are wrong about thinking she likes you, the absolute worst that could happen if she were to reject your approach(s) would be to turn you down with some sarcastic response. If this were to happen, you would not be physically harmed, and therefore have nothing to lose. As answer 1 says, go ahead and tell her honestly how you feel, and see what happens. You may be pleasantly supprised, and if not, then you will have had a valuable learning experience in surviving negative results. We all need to learn this lesson in life.j3h

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17y ago
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15y ago
Girls If You Like Someone Then This Is What You Should Do:-)
  • Look at him in lessons, he should look back, if he does look back nicely, SMILE:) (:
  • Talk to him
  • Ask about what he likes to do
  • Try to get his mobile number
  • Text him (try and get a reply becoz i used to do this, he got the text and didn't reply
  • Pull together your confidence and ASK HIM OUT
Hope You Get Your Boy
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13y ago

hmm. you have a variety of options:

1: do absolutely nothing. ignore it. never face that you really like this girl, bttle it up somewhere. (not one i reccomed)

2: admire from afar/ become a secret admirer

3:flirt with this girl ro payextra attention to her (not in too much of an anoying way) watch her reactions, they will most likely tell you if the feeling is mutaul.

4: ask her "out" whatever that measn to you. it could be a casual walk-you-home or work-on-history-project sort of this, or it could be a junior-prom thing. whatever seems apropriate// that youre comfortable with.

5: number three plus then ask her "out"

6:just be this girls best friend and never express you feelings for her straight out

7: walk up and say, "hey, I'm such-in such (if you don't think she knows your name) and iwas just windering if you liked me...?" (sounds simple in theory but turns out to be very har dto carry out. if you do, be confident and smiling, make eye contact)

8: find out confidentially (ex: by a friend of her friend) if sh elikes you back... or if she likes anyone else

9: I'm fresh out of options but, hey, if you don't like what you've got here, use your imagination! be creative! charm her! just remember this: girls are just as shy as boys {except te real slutty ones} she probably likes ou and is just to timid to show it. no matter how "im-all that" and comfortble she may seem, shes just as unsure as you are. and whats the worst that could happen? your life isn't over if it turns out shes to busy drooling over some other guy to answer your question. i say go for it. good luck!

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13y ago

Find a way to talk to him if you get his cell phone number do not obsess over him guys hate that just talk to him in person.

you should ask one of your girl friends to go up to him and start to make conversation then work in do you like what ever your name is and see what the answer is or you could go up to him and say hey there's a rumor going around that you like me is it true


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10y ago

Just start with the basics, like starting conversation at lunch or a party. After that, start flirting a bit- but don't come on too strong. A low-key (not over-the-top) compliment goes a long way.

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14y ago

You should never be afraid to ask a girl or boy questions, they always say their is never a dumb question or answer for nothing. Call or email or even text is always good but if you are a little shy you can text or email the person and ask them.

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12y ago

Always make eye contact with them.and then go in for a kiss

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14y ago

Tough to do, but worth the risk, go for it.

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3y ago

Try to be her friend

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14y ago

Ask her friend whether she likes you.

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I'm a girl. The best way to tell if a girl likes you is they flirt, laugh at your jokes, and mostly FLIRT and they like hanging around with you.... Shy girls will just stare at you in admiration! you can just get their phone numbers.... shy people are not as shy when you text them....

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Don't flirt with shy girls as it will only make them more nervous. Walk up to the shy girl and start out with simple conversation such as asking her what her favorite music is; movies, etc. Take it slow and easy.

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Well..... if you like the girl and your shy maybe send a letter back saying yes or have you friends tell her you would like to date her. If you are to shy to even date her then let her down gently.

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Flirt with her. If she is shy, then get to know her first before you flirt so she is more comfortable. But if she isn't, then see how far you can go, and let her notice you like her, and if she flirts back, then she likes you! :)) good luck!

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If you're not shy enough you could ask the girl if she likes you.

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Flirt, that's the best, hang out or if your really not shy, ask him out.

How do you flirt with a shy guy?

like enne other guy

How do you flirt when you're a shy girl?

Well, since you are a shy girl, use your shyness i guess. Quiet girls also attract a lot of boys so just be yourself.

After you flirt with a guy what do you do?

Keep flirting with him, try to get him to flirt with you and if he does he might like you. If he doesn't he might not be interested in you but he could just be shy.

What do you do if you like a girl and her friend says that she likes you back but you're both to shy to admit it?

If you do feel uncomfortable coming straight out and telling her that you like her then just flirt a lot more. The more you flirt with her, the more she'll think you like her---that way you can show you like her without ever telling her.

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You DO NOT ACT SHY! if you want her to like you back...flirt!!!! but do not move too fast like calling her sexy or whatever or telling her you love her or like her. If you don't want her to like you back...act like yourself. but dont be shy!