use instilla gel for the pain then with a thin sterile cloth / wetwipe place over prolapse bowel ease in then fin of with a finger up the rectom to make sure its all the way in job done
Front wall prolapse. A rectocoele is a prolapse of the back wall
The suffix that means prolapse is "-ptosis."
Procidentia is the term used to describe the complete prolapse of the uterus, some times the prolapse of the uterus.
Prolapse is the term meaning dropping of an organ.
Its being turned on by seeing someone have/having/touching/sucking an anal prolapse
A complete rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum protrudes through the anus.
Rectal prolapse is uncommonly caused by sex.
A urethral caruncle is a prolapse of the female urethra. It is more common with age.
A uterine prolapse is what happens when the ligaments supporting the uterus become very weak and they cannot hold the uterus in place. It is also called pelvic organ prolapse.
Prolapse is when a chicken strains, and causes the tract nearest their vent to become abnormally external.
Strep-b is a bacteria that lives in the intestine, vagina, or rectol areas.