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Nutrition is still important for coma patients. Doctors will insert a feeding tube into the patient so they can receive a liquid.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Usually they have a feeding tube or an IV or some method in which food and / or nutrients are put into their bodies.

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14y ago

I imagine it's a solution given intravenously. Unless I'm mistaken, those in a coma cannot take food by mouth.

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13y ago

Through a feeding tube

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Q: How do you feed someone in a coma?
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How do you feed someone in a coma without medical equipment?

You can not feed some one with out feeding tube, properly placed, if he is in coma. Such attempts has caused innumerable deaths in past and present also. Very little amount of water can kill the patient by choking him, if he is unconscious for any reason.

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It depends on why the infant is in a coma. there a several illnesses that can put someone in a coma.

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Comatose is a word that describes someone who is in a coma.

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If someone is in a coma they are unconcious and do not respond to voices,sounds or any activitie around them.He is still alive but their brain is working at it's lowest standard/stage of alertness.If you shake someone and their in a coma then they do not wake up like if you shake someone that's asleep.

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Depending on where the person is shot, then yes.

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Not to give up hope

Can you still get pregnant in a coma?

Unless whatever the reason was he went into a coma made him sterile, yes he can. Coma itself does not make him sterile. And pre-ejaculate is enough to make someone pregnant so a ejaculation is not even necessary.

Can a doctor bring someone out of a coma that's had a stroke?

Being out of coma entirely depends on the management of the doctor and on the responses of the patient's body. The doctors may forsee but not be intirely sure how long a person may be in coma or if he or she will be awake. This depends on the body and the person.

what does it mean when someone is in an induced coma?

They are purposefully put in a coma through some anesthetic drug. It is only temporary, but it's done to put the brain in a hibernating state to recover.