Suggest you call a local university to see what kinds of tests exist that you could use for this purpose. One type is the Meyers Briggs test and there are many more. What specifically are you needing to evaluate?
Yes, you can ask yourself about the consequences of your decision.
Look around evaluate yourself and do not forget your morals.
You ask yourself if it works and makes sense for you.
Do your assignments yourself.
Evaluate yourself. Do you have valuable relationships with others? Do you often get into legal/parental/financial troubles? Are you happy?
Is the tension interesting but also plausible within the story
Peace of dukiee
Are the loose ends tied up, or are there unresolved questions.
Is the tension interesting but also plausible within the story
You take classes to become a referee yourself, work hard at it until you are a higher grade, then you go to more classes to become a referee assessor. Only then is one qualified to properly evaluate another referee.
This will be a matter of your personal preferences. We cannot advise you. Other sites will have reviews, but you must evaluate them for yourself.
Well it all depends on your technique and flexibility. When you put them together into a routine you need to present yourself as a dancer which is basically how you evaluate a dancer.