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put it on the part u want to be light then sit in thesun for 45 min

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Q: How do you dye your own hair with a lemon?
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Why does lemon juice dye your hair?

Lemon juice has a very high acid content that causes a lightening of hair color.

What is the best way to dye your hair blonde naturally?

You can dye your hair blonde naturally by applying lemon juice to your hair and sitting in the sun. The acidic lemon juice will react with the heat and light from the sun to naturally lighten your hair.

What can happen to your hair if you dye it with lemon juice?

lightens it or bleaches it

Can lemon juice really dye grey hair blonde?


Is it possible to dye you hair with lemon juice?

yesif you want to bleach it

How long does lemon juice hair dye last in mud blond hair?

a month or two

How do you lighten your hair without dye?

yes put lemon juice on your hair and go out in the sun :)

What can you use to dye your hair with out hair dye if you are a brunet?

You can lighten your hair quite a bit if you spritz it with lemon juice and go out in the sunlight (this is an old trick my grandmother taught me, and works best in summer). If you want to darken it temporarily, you can use coffee.

If you dye your hair with lemon juice should your hair be wet or dry?

The acidic quality of lemon juice can lighten the hair slightly when exposed to sunlight. Hair should be dry so that it can absorb the lemon juice properly.

Does lemon juice give red hair blond highlights?

no of cause it does not! hair dye or ur hairdressers

Does lemon juice dye your hair or help expose the sunlight to your hair?

Lemon lightens the hair, it depends how long you stay in the sun. If you stay in the sun really long for about 2-4 hours or so, it wont dye it , but lighten it, it depends on how light you want it, and how dark your hair is . :)

How do you get rid of lemon juice dye?

Its permanete so the only way to change it is with other hair dye, the color you want it