Vomiting is a very horrible and annoying thing to have. Unfortunately, like tummy pains, the best you can do is:
- Rest (In PJ's <Don't get dressed>: Relax, stay in bed, don't go to work/school sleep a lot)
- Drink lots of Water (if this doesn't make you throw up of course)
- Eat a bit (Don't starve yourself!)
- Stay hygienic (Wash hands after going to the toilet, shower, if showering isn't possible, change your PJ's everyday, change bed things)
- Make sure that you have visited your local doctor if it gets really bad, in case something is going on.
Hope i helped. If yes, glad i did so :)
Lexy xx
No it is not normal to lose a great deal of liquid during pregnancy if it results in loss of weight, a pregnant female must be ganing weight. If the fluid loss is due to vomiting, this is normal. But if you believe you are vomiting more than normal, and causing you to lose weight, this is called hyperemisis gravidum, and your Dr. can treat you.
The term for it is hyperemesis, excessive vomiting, such as in hyperemesis gravidarum, the excessive vomiting of pregnancy.
Vomiting in Tagalog is called "Pagtatae" or "Sinusuka."
The term for it is hyperemesis, excessive vomiting, such as in hyperemesis gravidarum, the excessive vomiting of pregnancy.
neck pain from vomiting
Emetophobia is the name of the phobia associated with the fear of vomiting.
Yes, but I wouldn't recommend it. Drinking pentobarbital would cause severe stomach cramps and vomiting, a great deal of pain, and may or may not be lethal.
Vomiting reflex is mediated by the vomiting center in the brainstem, specifically the area postrema. This area receives input from various parts of the body, including the gastrointestinal tract and higher brain centers, to initiate the coordinated response of vomiting.
These terms are similar but not identitcal. Persistent vomiting is the kind that continues to happen for a long period. Intractable vomiting is the kind that continues to happen even when you treat it; it is resistant to treatment.
what is the icd9 code for intactable vomiting
vomiting bile
Food poisoning can cause vomiting.