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it is human to have anger.

It is what you do with it that counts!

First, you need to recognize that there is a problem with how the child is reacting to surroundings. Then, you need to help him/her find coping skills to manage the anger. Noticing the circumstances that commonly send the child amok and then making changes can help. Definitely find an experienced therapist who suits your style--hopefully with kindness and encouragement-- Check out the related website for articles and blogs.


i used to have anger issues and i used to sit outside and just kind of get together with nature for a bit, i didn't like people to see me crying or upset so i always sat outside in my own world for a bit then when i was ready i went back and joined back in with whatever it was we were doing

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12y ago
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14y ago

Stay involved in their lives since many kids act out as a cry for attention. Eat dinner together, with talking. Have some form of family activities every week or two.

But when they're out of control, respond with dicipline. Ground them from leaving the house, using the phone, or the computer and any other hand held or gaming console. If the punishment doesn't seem to be working, add to it. Slowly take away their allowance, toys, television, Video Games, or their other pleasures in life for a preset duration of time.

Do not make unreasonable punishments that you will later retract, such as saying "You're grounded for five months!". They won't take your punishments seriously and will find ways to weasle out of them.

Don't half ass it either. Kids are smart. Both parents need to be in agreement and work together or the kid will figure out how to manipulate the both of you into doing what they want.

It's not easy, you can't be perfect, but ask yourself if you're honestly being the best parent you can be. If not, work to become that.

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16y ago

By talking to then calmly and helping them through there problems By talking to then calmly and helping them through there problems Tell them to get a grip and stop being such a jerk. Don't be afraid to argue with them! Also try anger management classes.

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13y ago

simply talk about it or take a chair and a pillow put the pillow on the chair and punch kick and even ram the pillow till you get over some of your anger. Or buy a stress ball. I went to a counselor and that didn't work so I tryd ramming a pillow even buying a punching bag I punched the punching bag for 3 hours a day. Hope these work! :)

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11y ago

The number one tip is to be a good role model to your child. Some more tips are unconditional love, helping them to calm down and refocus, give them alternatives to anger, work off your child's anger, and reward them when they control their anger.

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12y ago

talk them out and that might solve your problem

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11y ago

Take him to counseling now. It will only get worse as he goes into preteen and teenage years.

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