If I am the supervisor I would set a meeting and discuss the issue at hand, pinpoint the weak areas of performance and provide a clear path on how to improve.
One option is the word coworker.
I admire traits such as professionalism, reliability, and excellent communication skills in a coworker. I also appreciate someone who is proactive, adaptable, and collaborative in a team environment.
Report it to your boss but tell the boss you want to remain anonymous.
Visit www.bullyonline.org and see if they are a (serial) bully would be a good start. Even if they are not, it will give you some good tips on how to deal with this person.
Hiring that coworker
If they broke a policy, you need to give them a warning. If they break the policy again, you can fire them.
He was very happy.
The team were performing well in the first half of the match.
VIOLENCE AT WORK: The verbal, or body language threatening of a worker by other coworker/s, or management personnel while the threatened worker is performing his duties.
My coworker got promoted before I did.