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Try some natural remedies and healthy eating.

Hemorrhoids are also called as piles. It causes severe discomfort and painful because it is an inflammation of veins in the rectum and the anus area. The main causes of this condition are improper diet, lack of exercise, obesity, constipation and stress. Yoga is believed to play a pivot role in curbing hemorrhoids. There are various yoga technique to get benefit. Yoga helps in the removal of the toxins in the body which can give a free and active feeling to the body and once the toxins are out from the body, it helps to restore the normal balance of the body and provide freedom from the pain caused due to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids may cause Back pain in several individuals because of its critical position in the body. The stretch and strain provided as a part of yoga helps to regulate the body and provide freedom from the acute pain caused in the body. A few recommended asanas of yoga like sarvangasana (posture involving all body parts) helps to activate the glands of the body which can also help to heal the hemorrhoids. One should must avoid the following for faster relief: * Oily foods, spicy foods, junk foods and fast foods * Drinking alcohol, tea and coffee, and smoking * Using toilet papers. Use water instead, since it is more cleansing and soothing Usually doctors go for surgery that is a good way of treating hemorrhoids. There various treatments, temporary, surgical and herbals, you would have to select the right one for your case.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

A hemorrhoid is essentially a varicose vein on or around the anus or rectum. Products like Preparation H and Tucks will provide some relief. You can also have the hemorrhoid surgically repaired by a physician or proctologist.

In addition to the above answer, there are many things you can do to help yourself get rid of Heorrhoids for good. Try not to sit or stand in the one place for too long. Get up every hour to stretch or move about for a minute or two. Wipe with Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera. Lots of fibre (fiber for US spelling), but also have lots of water as well. The water molecules bond with fibre molecules and allow the poo to pass more easily.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

i bet your not wanting to go potty with your sore booty, but this is what you have to do

The things you need:

nasal spray (2 bottles)

liquid laxative (cheery flavor suggested)

medicated wipes

hemorrhoid cream

first- go ahead and take the liquid laxative, they come in glass bottles, this is going to burn a little when you have a bowel movement however keep the wipes handy, the instant you put the wipe to your anus it is quickly going to soothe it.

second- after the laxative has run it's course(6-10 hours) make sure you are all clean down there. then don't be stingy with the nasal spray, put allot on your Hand, and i know this is gross but use you hand to put it on the hem.(do not use cotton balls...ext. they do not leave enough nasal spray on you) it didn't burn for me and mine had 'cuts' you should be okay. make sure that it's all good and soaked. i know this is graphic you guys but it's really going to help.

third- do not apply the hemorrhoid cream instantly after putting the nasal spray on you. wait 45 minutes before applying.

results showed within the next 2-3 days.

its works you guys.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Hi, I wrote a book on this sort of thing so hopefully I can help you out. A permanent cure is mostly up to you but also unfortunately can fall to genetics.

So firstly the you part: You need to work out what is causing the hemorrhoids, If it is from straining then you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day and have lots of fiber. I also recommend a fiber powder which you mix with water. These two together are a great way to make you regular. Pus, the water molecules and fiber molecules bond to allow your poo to pass more easily.

If it is from irritation, then wipe with soft toilet paper and use aloe and witch hazel to soothe and repair. There's a lot more work than I have mentioned above, but it's all pretty easy stuff and just becomes a standard day to day thing.

I did also mention genetics: The basics are, if one of your parents are prone to hemorrhoids, you will be too.

If you wish to have a read of the book: Don't Panic They're Just Hemorrhoids, then search for it online and see how it can hep you.

Good luck!

Mat Clarke

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βˆ™ 11y ago

As most people say it comes down to health. However, that may not always be the case, it can also be irritation.

There are a number of things that can cause hemorrhoids and those same things will cause the hemorrhoid to hang around. So you need to treat the cause foremost.

Wipe with soft toilet paper only, add some aloe and witch hazel to soothe and repair. Drink 8 glasses of water a day and eat more salad, fruit and veg. Also buy some fiber powder to add to a glass of water each day, this will help the poo pass more easily so you don't strain.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Hydrocortisone cream or surgery. You can use a sitz bath to help clean up after a BM so you don't have to wipe.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Hemorrhoids often caused by constipation can be treated by changes in the diet. Straining needs to be avoided. Instant relief may be obtained by gently swabbing with which hazel.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Haemorrhoid's, can be removed by surgery.

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