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Traditionally Filipino tradition demands that you offer the utmost respect. You should not approach the woman directly but seek a go-between such as a brother or other relative to convey your feelings first to the parents ! Permission must be gathered from the parents to visit at the home of the young woman . The Go-between is also usually invited and other family members will often be present. In order to demonstrate you love the young lady and have good intentions towards her you must visit the family often and always bring small gifts when you do for the family and for the young woman.

You must woo the entire family and not just the girl you love ! This stage of the relationship is known as "paninilbihan"which means servitude. To prove your love you must do all manner of tasks such as providing food, under taking repairs around the home, gathering wood etc.

Singing love songs outside her window is still a common practice today but should be done accompanied by friends. If the lady you love opens the window you will usually be invited inside (with your friends) to talk and enjoy a tiny meal or some drinks and snacks. The family along with friends and in particular the parents will always be present during these encounters. An unmarried couple must always be supervised

Courting a young Filipina girl or woman can take a very long time. It is tradition for the young woman to play very hard to get. She may almost act disinterested, Her family will make it very clear if she likes you by the way they welcome you. Even when you finally start dating seriously and your relationship is public you will both be chaperoned and it is expected that you will still continue to bring gifts and help out the family if needed with chores and tasks.

Usually marriage must be arranged between her parents and yours. If you have no parents than your oldest relatives must take that role. This stage is very formal and you must continue to provide food and gifts and often a dowry. This process is called "Pamamanhikan"

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