when you see her do it again, shake your head and tell her it is yuck
its not that hard start at the foot eat around the you know what and then up to the face but removing the boogers.... its not that hard start at the foot eat around the you know what and then up to the face but removing the boogers.... its not that hard start at the foot eat around the you know what and then up to the face but removing the boogers.... its not that hard start at the foot eat around the you know what and then up to the face but removing the boogers.... its not that hard start at the foot eat around the you know what and then up to the face but removing the boogers.... its not that hard start at the foot eat around the you know what and then up to the face but removing the boogers.... its not that hard start at the foot eat around the you know what and then up to the face but removing the boogers....
No its not mental to eat your boogers at all. I eat mine all the time. Haha!
only if you eat them
Snails and boogers!
no he doesn't i know he doesn't he doesn't even pick his nose so ha
I think you have spelled it wrong, its spelt BURGERS, and yes girls eat BURGERS. But some also do eat boogers.
Boogers? no...no you shouldn't.
you eat your boogers
No it is basically eating vitamins
worm and boogers
Because it may taste good to them.
No. You need much more nutrition and calories to sustain life than boogers can provide.