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Q: How do you compare the stages of maslow's hierachy of needs?
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Try to look on the Maslow's Hierachy of Needs

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Which level on maslows hiearchy of needs is the ulitimate goal?

Level 5 is the highest level and it involves self-actualization

What is the correct order going from the bottom to the top of Maslows Hierarchy of the needs?

physiological safety security social self esteem ego and self actualization needs

1 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Best Buys different employee programs using Maslows hierarchy of needs theory reinforcement theory and expectancy theory?

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Best Buy's different employee programs using Maslows hierarchy of needs theory reinforcement theory and expectancy theory?

Compare Erickson's eight stages of life to Maslow hierarchy of needs?

Erikson's eight stages of life focus on psychosocial development with specific challenges and conflicts at each stage, whereas Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation that prioritizes basic physiological needs at the bottom with self-actualization at the top. While Erickson's stages are focused on identity formation and social relationships, Maslow's hierarchy emphasizes the progression from meeting basic needs to fulfilling higher-level psychological needs for growth and self-fulfillment.

Who was the founder of basic need approach?

The basic needs approach was popularized by economist Mahbub ul Haq in the 1970s. He believed that development should be focused on meeting the basic needs of people, such as food, shelter, education, and healthcare, rather than just focusing on economic growth.

How is Abraham Maslows theory of needs-based motivation best defined?

Maslow's tower is best explained by the needs-based system of his tower. Without basic needs being met, motivation to move to the next level is usually difficult.

What is maslows's theory?

Maslow thought that everyone was determined to fill certain needs in their lives. He felt that when one need was fulfilled, they would naturally progress into another.

Who is Abraham maslows?

he is an American theorist who is most famous for his hierarchy of needs, which encompass everything from basic needs to self-actualisation in order to demonstrate what motivates people